Background for This Book

This page presents reasons for the need of something new. Reasons why “The Cloud” written by Ernie Hoolamier is necessary.

The following is an except from wikipedia concerning the start of the 12 Step Programs –

The author, Bill, of the 12 Steps had to go back to NYC to have Sam Shoemaker tell him what to write. Shoemaker was the same person who got Frank Buckman to start the Oxford Group, where Ebby Thatcher, Bill’s friend was staying at this time. It should be obvious that Bill spoke with Shoemaker at length. Shoemaker had founded the Akron, OH Oxford Group and was in communication with Bob, Bill’s co-founder.

Shoemaker was friend with Sam Hadley, Jr. Sam, Jr was the son of the Sam Hadley Sr, who took over the Jerry McAuley Mission after Jerry Died. It is highly unlikely that Sam Hadley, Sr. was any kind of alcoholic. With Hadley, Sr., the “church,” namely the episcopal church was able to push enough money into the mission that it was corrupted. McAuley hated churches and despised ministers. Jerry posed a serious threat to their future. Whatever program McAuley brought from the missionaries of Sing Sing Prison was known to Hadley, who likely buried it, and the episcopal church. Do not believe a word these people. Even today they push that a wind blew and lights appeared when Jerry saved a newcomer. This is proven false by Hadley, Sr. saying this never happened once at their mission, see William James, “Varieties of Religious Experiences.”

The whole 12 Step thing stinks from the enception. Bill was brought before AA and charged with racketeering and even admonished for widespread sexual predation of newcomer women. Consistent with is behavior, Bill published “Traditions” that let in the predators of alcoholics and opium users. Before this, recovery meetings were a safe haven from these ill-intentioned creatures. This same Bill pushed LSD for a cure for all kinds of ailments. And a question remains, did the people Bob helped get this whack Belladona Treatment and given an AA book as they left or did Bob actually teach the program described inside the book? If it were taught or even done by one of these clowns, the word hypocrisy would have been mentioned throughout. But it is not mentioned once. Hypocrisy is very important in any spiritual program and it should be the core of such a program.

A book, “Rescue Mission Work” was published at the McAuley Mission. It is mentioned in W. James book, “Varieties of Religious Experiences.” But not one copy of this book can be found. The Cambridge Historical Society, the Psych Dept at Harvard where W. James taught, and others are all looking for it. Hopefully, this book has restored some of what was used at the McAuley Mission while Jerry was still alive.

The most ignorant comment in reponse to this information would be, “Oh, but the 12 Steps helps so many people.” Does it? Does it help the right people or mostly give loosers a venue to antagonize us back to a drink or use opium? The original answer worked miracles. What we have today is pitiful and it results in many suicides.

Order The Cloud. The person who completes it will experience a new reality that can only be explained as “we never left heaven.”