Book Cover of "The Cloud" by Ernie Hoolamier
Book Cover for the Champion of books in Sobriety

This book identifies the problem and cause of pass-out drinking and opium powerlessness. A search for a solution ends with instruction of a viable and logical solution. The process in this book provides exceptional freedom from the “self” that is living a nightmare. Guaranteed Sobriety.

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Order The Cloud on Amazon in the following formats:

ebook: ASIN: B0DBDT15P3 @ $9.99

Paperback: ISBN 979-83-3-428788-4 @ $32

Hardback: ISBN 979-83-3-428991-8 @ $48

The purpose of publication is to provide a guaranteed way to achieve permanent sobriety. It provides a simple process that allows a person to escape their individual “self” or “ego” long enough to experience what “Is” or the reality of “That.” If done correctly and to completion this causes a substantial change in how the person sees “himself” and the world around him. Most importantly, this results in a shift of paradigm. This is crucial to someone wanting to start a permanent sobriety or improve their current sobriety from a hellish mind and body.  This book’s body and mind complex will be called the ego or individual ego.

To truly and ultimately escape the ego is to escape pass-out drinking, hopeless opium addiction, and many other debilitating conditions.  “The Cloud” process will remove the ego by deflating the ability to make distinctions and judgments. The process also temporarily makes powerless the antagonism and offense we experience from another.    

The resulting experience is worth all the riches in the world and a billion times more. Furthermore, the allure to experience “That” again, lasts. This path continues until the path disappears.

Each of us have said a thousand times we are ready to quit and don’t know quite the action to take. This book leads the individual through a simple straightforward process and leaves him/her in a Cloud of Bliss. It is so odd how other programs of recovery do everything but this.

The continuance of this program is paramount to Stay in the Cloud. There are no more big problems. No more anxiety. And finally, there are no other people and their is no individual body to suffer. Only fabulous sobriety.

What’s more, it is logical that this process alleviate conditions such as PTSD, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and other body/mind complex conundrums.

The process contained within also frees other people who are affected by another person’s pass-out drinking.

To order The Cloud for Sobriety:

Illustration of "The Cloud Sobriety" book cover.  The two men on the back have been revolutionaries in sobriety and changed the lives of millions of people.

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Chapter list of The Cloud.  The process within guarantees sobriety.
Chapter list of The Cloud.  The process within guarantees sobriety.
Chapter list of The Cloud.  The process within guarantees sobriety.